Welcome to the Health Office at WCE!
We are here to support your student in health and safety needs. Nursing Services promotes optimal physical, social, and emotional wellness of our school community. Our focus is to enhance the educational process by maximizing and protecting the overall health status of school-age youth.
We believe that good health enables all students to benefit from the education experience leading to productive living and a successful future. School nurses actively promote healthy life style choices, strengthen and facilitate the educational process by improving and protecting children’s health status, and are advocates for school age children.
Mary Hild is your School Nurse
We are experts with tummy aches, ice packs, and band- aids…
…and some of our other responsibilities include:
- Maintains health records (medical diagnoses, immunizations, etc) of students.
- Administers physician-ordered medications at school.
- Organizes vision/hearing screenings for students.
- Provides alternative resources for families/students when appropriate/necessary.
- Works closely with special education team to maintain health and safety of students
- Works closely with the special education team and families to monitor and address health concerns that impact students in the academic setting.
- Addresses emergency situations, injuries, illness, etc., at school. If you have any questions about the health services provided at Westerly Creek
If your student needs to have medications while in school, please complete one of the following forms, signed by your Physician, and turn it in to the health office.
Please click each form to download and print:
General Medication Release Agreement
Meal Modification
Seizure Emergency Care Plan
Colorado Asthma Care Plan
Colorado Allergy/Anaphylaxis Care Plan
Headache Action Plan