Gifted & Talented Resources

Gifted and Talented Education at WCE

Students at Westerly Creek who are Magnet Eligible (95%ile or higher cognitive score), formally identified as GT/HGT, and/or students who are in the talent pool with qualifying achievement data (95%ile and higher) receive all of the following beginning in January of their Kindergarten year and throughout their elementary experience:


  • Cluster grouping (scheduled with a group of like-minded/ability peers in their gen ed classroom);
  • Small group instruction within the classroom setting in both math and literacy, with like-minded/ability peers (frequency depends on ability level and grade but is anywhere from once to 3 times a week in each subject and can);
  • Weekly or twice-weekly, pull-out small group instruction with myself, the GT teacher with like-minded/ability peers in the area of their strength (we work on divergent thinking, fluid reasoning, accelerated discovery and mastery of above grade level concepts, national competitions, and ensuring we are finding joy in our work;
  • Westerly Creek students are exposed to a tremendous amount of opportunity and breadth of learning through our amazing specials program that includes: PE, Drama, Music (vocal and instrumental), Visual Art, and XStream (Science, Technology, Research/Robotics, Engineering, Art, and Math) all while being a part of their neighborhood school!

In addition, at Westerly Creek we work to dismantle systems of oppression and in doing so, include all students of color with 90%ile and higher cognitive and/or achievement data in our talent pool and pull-out service groups.

Further Gifted & Talented Information

Please reach out with questions directly to Marie Gruber:

CLICK HERE for DPS Gifted & Talented Family Resources

CLICK HERE for Middle School Math Placement Information


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