Dear WCE Families,
We are excited to announce that our Original Works Online Art Gallery is now open!
Brochures were sent home with all the details on how to order keepsake products with your child’s artwork reproduced on them.
The online gallery will be open from early November through mid-November and will mean that orders will arrive before the holiday season this year.
Not only do these items make wonderful keepsakes, they also make great gifts for any occasion.
And did you know that when you participate in the Original Works program, our art program receives the profit from your order!
Early-November: Original Works student gallery is now open for families to order products.
November 17th: Order deadline.
Mid-December: Orders arrive at WCE and are distributed to students before the holidays.
******Mr. Braeckel will follow up with any new information as it is available. If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to email Mr. Braeckel at:******
Thank you for all your support.
Westerly Creek Elementary Visual Arts Teacher